Giardino di Boboli
(Italian pronunciation: jar-dee-noh  dee  boh-boh-lee)

The Boboli Gardens comprise the largest monumental green area in Florence.  They were laid out for the Medici in 1550, one year after they bought the Palazzo Pitti.   Cosimo I commissioned the designs from Niccolo Pericoli, known as Tribolo, in 1549.  Work was continued by Ammannati, Buontalenti and Parigi the Younger.  A perfect example of stylized Renaissance gardening, they were opened to the public in 1766.

The more formal parts of the garden, nearest the palazzo, consist of box hedges clipped into symmetrical geometric patterns.  These lead to wild groves of ilex and cypress trees, planted to creat a contrast between artifice and nature.  Statues of varying styles and periods are dotted around, and the vistas were planned to give views over Florence.