Church of Santa Croce - Page 3

Large Cloister, built on Brunelleschi's design

The historical and political upheavals that have accompanied Santa Croce right up until today have always left a precise mark as much in the artisitic-architectural works (such as the radical transformations imposed by Vasari around the middle of the sixteenth century; or the exuberant commitment during the nineteenth century to tranforming Santa Croce into a huge mausoleum of Italian history), as in the testimonies guarded in its archives which hand down to us a daily reconstruction, through the course of the centuries, of a great project befitting its own creators, its own resources, its own objectives and difficulties.

Brunelleschi designed the domed chapel, the Cappella de Pazzi, in 1430.

Inside, delicate grey stonework frames white plaster inset
with Luca della Robbia's terracotta roundels of the Apostles.

On November 4 of 1966, the Arno's water came to this height.

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